Statistics vary, but you may have noticed by looking around that many Americans are overweight; even obese. You may even be one of us. You may find yourself getting heavier and heavier each year and you may have even given up on trying to do anything about it. Maybe you've told yourself that it's your lot in life. You may have rationalized that it's your DNA, your family history, your lifestyle, or anything else.
Once the waist size starts creeping up, there does not seem to be much that you can do about it. And yet, something needs to be done. We're putting more stress on our hearts, lungs, circulatory systems, knees, backs, and pretty much everything else when we're obese. It's not good. We're also shortening our lifespans.
So what can we do about it? Maybe you've tried every diet out there, but you can't find one that has the staying power.
I have spent the better part of my life fighting this battle myself. I've been there, and done that. I've learned practically everything I should need to know to win this battle, and yet I can't seem to.
Before I go any farther, I will add the disclaimer that I'm not a doctor and nothing I say should be taken as medical advice. However, though our society certainly needs doctors, I don't believe that all medical knowledge belongs in the hands of white smocked "priests", who like in pagan religions must make intercession with health for us. We must bear a responsibility for our own health. That means that we must do our own homework. It won't be easy either. You can't exactly trust the mainstream or entertainment media. They're often poorly informed and have their own agenda anyway. We've been fed the benefits of the low fat diet for decades, and yet there is evidence now that it was based on bad science. However, though there is a lot of good information regarding alternative medicine, there is also a lot of quackery. It's up to YOU to sort it out. Nobody can do it for you. But we as consumers can start educating ourselves and demanding truth in reporting and beneficial products.
Doctors have to spend a long time in school. And yet, often they really only know what they're told by their instructors and medical journals. Many doctors know little about nutrition or about supplements. I had a doctor tell me that there's no credible evidence that Vitamin C has any effect on coughs. Actually, there are plenty of case studies, but nobody has paid for the "double blind" study without which the orthodox medical community won't take anything seriously.
Our bodies are equipped with the ability to repair and heal themselves. Often, phamecuetical intervention can actually cause more harm than good. It is sometimes needed; I'm not disparaging that. However, though our bodies are equipped to heal and maintain themselves, unless we provide the materials and environment, we're fighting an uphill battle. To borrow terminology from my time in the Navy, if the repair locker isn't stocked you can't repair the breech in the hull.
As I write, I'm at 240 pounds on a medium build male's 5'9" frame. My ideal weight is calculated at around 165. I'm really pushing the limits here. I admit, I do bear a lot of responsibility. I sit at a desk all day. I don't exercise. I eat way too many carbs and sugars. I would rather have a bowl of pasta than a chicken breast and vegetables. But I also realize that way is counter productive.
I've spent time doing research. As I've always battled weight, I've been throught quite a few programs. In the Navy, I was constantly bouncing off the top of the weight standards. I would weigh in out of standards, be placed on mandatory PT (Physical Training), get my weight back down, then end up right back as, what we used to call, a "Mando Commando".
So far, I've had my best success on the Atkins Diet, which is now referred to as the "Atkins Nutritional Approach". I have a lot of admiration for Dr. Atkins. He went against the mainstream for decades, constantly scoffed at and charged with all kinds of medical heresies, yet he kept getting results with his patients and so charged ahead knowing he was right. I have several of his books, and I have grown quite an admiration for the man. His death was a great loss to us all.
The problem I've had with Atkins is that, soon after starting, I will cave in to sweets or pizza or a Chinese buffet and not get back on again.
But, recently I'm starting to face my own mortality. I've had high cholesterol for years. It's not even worth getting checked again. I know it's high, and my weight has climbed since then. The last few months I've been getting frequent headaches. I couldn't figure out why, until a friend mentioned that my blood pressure could be too high. Oh, boy, now it's time to do something. I also noticed that I don't have much energy and I've been walking especially sluggish lately.
And so, once again, I have embarked on the Atkins journey. I have not yet started a formal "Induction", but I've been sticking to low carb foods such as meats and salads. We've had a couple of low carb wraps this week. My wife doesn't care for low carb pasta, but I don't mind it. After only three days, my headaches have stopped and I have a marginal amount of energy.
I will continue to report on my progress for those interested. In the meantime, do your homework. If you've battled obesity, don't despair. It is possible to do it without starving yourself, hence the title of this blog entry, "Eat Yourself Thin". You have to eat, you just have to learn how to eat right. I'll add more thoughts in the days to come.
Labels: Health
8 Hours Of Sleep?
Perhaps my current sleep deprived state is a good reason to begin this blog entry. I try to make my writing relevant, but sometimes a good, old fashioned rant has it's purpose. Anyone who has been following my blog (seriously, does anyone read this thing?) knows that I have devoted about 3 entries and 2 podcasts to Kevin Trudeau's Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About. I notice a theme in his book that I've seen in many others. It is a theme that I have almost always found to be impossible to live by. I could sooner change my diet completely over to grapefruit and soy milk before I could actually live by this often given advice.
Let me recap. I served 6 years in the Navy. I tend to gravitate toward jobs that require my presence before 0700. OK, my current job is very flexible, but I find that getting in at 0630 saves me a lot of trouble in traffic on both ends of my commute. I'm not a morning person, but this works. I have two small children, currently 17 months and 5 months. My 17 month old has been sick lately, which makes for troubled sleep. He can't just take Nyquil like I can, and I can't really take Nyquil anymore because even when sick I need to be able to function to help my wife out if need be. The baby, of course, is not exactly sleeping through the night. No matter how the kids sleep, I'm up at 0500 each workday. Oh, yeah, I'm also in my "spare" time taking classes toward my degree from the University of Phoenix.
And so, with my family and work responsibilities, and my military background, when I read over and over again in books such as Trudeau's that you should get 8 hours of sleep a night, I honestly wonder who in this country has time to get 8 hours of sleep a night? I would like to take a flying leap with my foot (it doesn't matter which one; whichever is extended at the time) into the stomach of someone who can say with a straight face that I should get 8 hours of sleep a night. I have come to the conclusion that most people who are able to get 8 hours of sleep a night
1) Can't be married
2) Definitely don't have children (at least small ones)
3) Don't have a job with enough responsibilities.
I can understand retirees and maybe childless couples who don't watch TV and can set their own work schedules being able to sleep 8 hours is one thing, but to tell an early or mid career family man (or woman, gotta take that into account) with children that they should get 8 hours of sleep a night is frankly a denial of reality. Would you like to come watch my children and keep up my house maintenance while I get those 8 hours?
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