I bought Ramit Sethi’s book I Will Teach You To Be Rich early. That gave me access to an insider community that Ramit formed, although I ended up as usual not having as much time to participate as I would have liked.
Prior to the official launch of the book (I bought it on pre-order, and Amazon shipped mine a few weeks early prior to the launch), Ramit asked for pictures of his readers with the book. I managed to sit down within 15 minutes of the deadline, and I decided to do the best I could. I used the camera on my Samsung Epix. The self-portrait mirror wasn’t helping, so I was using the screen reflection of my Epix on my laptop to line up the shot. I took 3 or 4 pictures. None of the pictures of the book under my chin were acceptable, so I held it off to the side and fired off a shot. I then emailed the picture from my Epix to Ramit. I was surprised to see it in the testimonial clip on YouTube.
If you’re looking for advice on personal finance, get this book. Most people are stumbling around in a broke daze, accepting financial advice from other broke people, while nobody seems to want to actually read a book written by somebody who knows how to handle money. This is such a book. You can buy the book from my Amazon affiliate link.
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