I have seen Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know About on infomercials for quite a while. The book raised my interest at first, as I have done some reading into natural cures and some of the "conspiracies" surrounding the health care and food industries. I Tim 6:10 says "For the love of money is the root of all evil:..." Many decisions made are not always made with anything other than money at heart. It's unfortunate, but true.
I had wanted the book, although when it hit the shelves in mainstream retailers it kind of lost it's value to me, since the FTC had not completely buried it as the author seemed to allude to on the infomercials. I opened it this past Sunday and began to read it. I am currently on page 79 in Chapter 5, "Why are we sick?" So far, I have not come across anything that I did not already know. However, a lot of the book to this point is repetition. The author, Kevin Trudeau, mentions corruption and love of money among the FDA (why is it the Food AND Drug Administration?), the FTC, and the drug companies. He will repeatedly mention that the love of money is the root of all evil and repeat "so now can you see why I'm mad and I'm not going to take it anymore?" That last statement is not an exact quote but a composite.
The thing that bugs me the most about this book up to this point is the lack of references. I do a lot of reading about the New World Order, global conspiracies, and other wonderfully dark plots to try to take over the world, and I'll be the first to tell you, when you're dealing with allegations like this, references are your life's blood. Even with documented evidence, nobody will believe you anyway, because "it just can't be true. There's no way our government doesn't have our best interests at heart." "We're from the guvment, and we only wanna hep you." So far the two best documented comments made refer to "early this year on Fox News" and "in the New York Times in January". Try running those down to verify them. I remember as a 19 year old sailor falling for a very well known yet shall remain unnamed network marketing program because "The Wall Street Journal said this business is the wave of the future". Aw, to be naive and too unsophisticated to ask which edition ran that article again.
I always avoid trying to pass off information like this if it can't be corroborated, no matter how much I believe it. Fortunately, as I said, Kevin Trudeau has not yet mentioned anything I have not heard before.
I will report back as my reading progresses.
Labels: Health
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